HYPNOSIS -for clients with Bipolar Disorder
Whilst this is a contentious area i.e. the use of hypnosis with mental health sufferers, there is a real need for people who have been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder to …
Whilst this is a contentious area i.e. the use of hypnosis with mental health sufferers, there is a real need for people who have been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder to …
It’s always lovely to work with such enthusiastic clients. Change comes from within. Ever the navigator, never the captain.
I still can’t work out where the testimonial button is on this website builder.. hmm – look out for Fabienne on the Monkey Mind FaceBook page.. – Thanks, lovely Fabienne
I’m presenting on the first day of the summit. How exciting to be part of such an amazing event.
Getting ready filming for the global Hypno Summit 2020 where I am one of the presenters is exciting. Films being made, clients coerced (gently of course) into being filmed and …
1. Forget about the idea of the fear of failure. I say it’s the fear of success. In terms of the entrepreneur, many have been conditioned to think that the …
We’ve all heard it before, the adage, that it takes twenty-one days to make or break a habit. Does that really mean it takes three weeks to change something? Is …